April 26, 2024

Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships, Endowments


Fellowships… Endowments

scholarships, grants available


Scholarships & Grants


Great News!   Intern Solutions Campaign To Share:

Scholarships and Grant Information

For Aspiring Trades Workers

Quickly and Easily from

*Intern Solutions Now!  

I personally have worked with individuals that have skills and interests that are not made for a four-year college.  These individuals usually are more interested in working with their hands, creating something more tangible or desire to solve intricate problems with their own intrinsic intelligence.

I say that to say— What exciting news for employment options today.  These skills have become missing in our society over the past fifty to seventy years.  As more and more students “only considered college“, our skilled trades’ knowledge has become passed along to far, too few generations.

Be sure to visit Intern Solutions Today  to find out more about

Scholarships and Grants for Aspiring Trades Workers.  

Don’t Forget To Mention– You Saw Their Information on


Interested In 

Growing Your Own Food Projects???

grants for Aquaponics

*Grants For Aquaponics Programs

Growing our own food is an important part of today’s education.   With so many options that add to society’s illnesses, taking control of our own health and well being is a matter of survival.  Growing our own food, learning how to prepare it, and what are the best foods for our nourishment can be a life saving skill.  The more our children are aware of how vital the right nourishment is to our well being, future generations will benefit.

Oliver and Grace at Aquaponicsusa.com are ready to help all students learn how to grow their own food in a manner that is fun, exciting and environmentally friendly.  Be sure to check out the Aquaponics Program designed by Aquaponicsusa.com for Tucson School District.

 Be sure to tell Grace and Oliver you saw their information on
